tzimmermann dot org
May 19, 2017 • 13 min read

Writing the Beginning and End of a Transaction

Last time we finished our transaction manager and example program simpletm to contain the minimum functionality for conflict detection and transaction rollback. In this blog post we are going to separate application logic and transaction logic from each other. We will move the latter into a distinct module with a generic C interface for beginning and committing transactions.

Towards a Generic Transaction Interface

Simpletm has two threads. A producer thread generates pairs of integer values and stores them in two globally shared variables. The consumer thread loads the stored values from the shared variables. All load and store operations are performed transactionally.

We ended the previous blog post with a producer function that looked like the code shown below.

static void
    unsigned int seed = 1;

    int i0 = 0;

    while (true) {


        int i1 = rand_r(&seed);

        printf("Storing i0=%d, i1=%d\n", i0, i1);

        bool commit = false;

        while (!commit) {

            bool succ = store_int(g_int_resource + 0, i0);
            if (!succ) {
                goto release;
            succ = store_int(g_int_resource + 1, i1);
            if (!succ) {
                goto release;

            commit = true;

            release_int_resource(g_int_resource + 0, commit);
            release_int_resource(g_int_resource + 1, commit);

While this code works correctly, it’s poorly designed and not generally re-useable in other software.

The consumer has similar problems. If we can move all this behind a common interface, we can reduce the overall code to the pure application logic.

The Interface

First of all we have to mark the beginning of a transactional block. Once a transaction has began, there are currently two cases we must handle: either our transaction commits and leaves the transaction, or the transaction aborts at some point and returns to the beginning of the transaction block. In both cases we have to release the transaction’s acquired resources.

Let’s start with implementing two statements. We call them tm_begin and tm_commit.

As the name indicates, tm_begin is where the transaction starts. Here’s the code.

    /* Nothing to do */

#define tm_begin    \
    _tm_begin();    \

The function _tm_begin() is the place where we can put any set-up code that we might require. It’s currently empty.1 The function is not supposed to be called directly. Instead there’s tm_begin. It’s a macro that calls _tm_begin() and then begins a new C code block. Note that tm_begin intentionally has no round brackets. It’s not a function call. It’s an element of code structuring.

The code for tm_commit is where we update and release the shared resources acquired by the transaction.

#define arraylen(_array)    \
    ( sizeof(_array) / sizeof(*(_array)) )

#define arraybeg(_array)    \
    ( _array )

#define arrayend(_array)    \
    ( arraybeg(_array) + arraylen(_array) )

release_int_resources(struct int_resource* beg,
                const struct int_resource* end, bool commit)
    while (beg < end) {
        release_int_resource(beg, commit);

                          arrayend(g_int_resources), true);

#define tm_commit       \
        _tm_commit();   \

If tm_begin marks the beginning of our transactional code, tm_commit marks the end. It’s again a macro. It calls the function _tm_commit() and ends the C code block that was started by tm_begin. The intended side effect of this block is that all variables declared in the transactional code are transaction-local by default.

The commit operation’s implementation is in _tm_commit(). This function releases all shared integer resources. Then we have completed the transaction. The rest of the shown code is simply helpers.

The primitives shown so far is all we need for beginning and committing transactions. But what about conflict handling?

Non-Local Gotos in C

When a transaction observes a conflict during resource access, we want it to release the resources it acquired so far and restart from the beginning.

Conflicts are detected within store_int(), or load_int() for the consumer transaction. To restart from there we have to implement a non-local goto that jumps from store_int() to where we called tm_begin. It’s called non-local goto because we’re doing a goto operation over function-call boundaries.

Non-local gotos in C are implemented with the functions setjmp() and longjmp().2 A call to setjmp() stores the processors current instruction counter and stack pointer for this thread. A later call to longjmp() restores these values, effectivly transfering program control back to the point where setjmp() had been called. The state values are stored in a jump buffer of type jmp_buf.

Here’s how the code looks like. First we need a thread-local jump buffer.

struct _tm_tx {
    jmp_buf env;

struct _tm_tx*
    /* Thread-local transaction structure */
    static __thread struct _tm_tx t_tm_tx;

    return &t_tm_tx;

We put the jump buffer into struct _tm_tx. The function _tm_get_tx() simply returns a thread-local instance of this structure.

To save the thread state in the jump buffer upon entering the transaction, we have to call setjmp() at the right time. Therefore we modify tm_begin as shown below.

_tm_begin(int value)
    /* Nothing to do */

#define tm_begin                            \
    _tm_begin(setjmp(_tm_get_tx()->env));   \

The call to setjmp() is now done at the very beginning. It saves the instruction counter and stack pointer in the thread-local jump buffer and returns a value. When we later call longjmp() with the saved jump buffer, the transaction performs the non-local goto and setjmp() will return again.

Upon entering the transaction for the first time, setjmp() returns 0. At the time we call longjmp() we have the option of passing a different value, which setjmp() will return. Its return value is passed as an argument to _tm_begin(). This way we can distinguish between a new transaction and a restarted transaction in _tm_begin().

What we finally need is the restart function that is executed by store_int() upon detected conflicts.

                          arrayend(g_int_resource), false);

    /* Jump to the beginning of the transaction */
    longjmp(_tm_get_tx()->env, 1);

store_int(struct int_resource* res, int value)
    bool succ = acquire_int_resource(res);
    if (!succ) {

    res->local_value = value;
    res->flags |= RESOURCE_HAS_LOCAL_VALUE;

Like _tm_commit() the function tm_restart() releases the transaction’s resources, but of course without updating the global values. Instead of returning, tm_restart() invokes longjmp() with the saved jump buffer and an additional value. This transfers program control back to the transaction’s beginning where setjmp() saved the jump buffer. This time, setjmp() returns the second argument to longjmp(). In our case this is 1.

In store_int(), we now call tm_restart() upon detected conflicts. Notice that a call to store_int() cannot fail anymore. If it returns it has been successful, otherwise it automatically restarts the transaction.

Putting It All Together

While the details of setjmp() and longjmp() are certainly more complex than the while loop, it’s all contained in the transaction manager. And we’re effectivly done with this problem. There’s hardly any reason to ever change the code.

The application logic, however, looks much clear than before. Let’s put everything together. Here’s our new producer.

static void
    unsigned int seed = 1;

    int i0 = 0;

    while (true) {


        int i1 = rand_r(&seed);

        printf("Storing i0=%d, i1=%d\n", i0, i1);


            store_int(g_int_resource + 0, i0);
            store_int(g_int_resource + 1, i1);


We were able to condense the whole inner while loop into four statements were each statement is relevant to the application! Gone are the while loop, the explicit tests for successful stores, the commit variable, and the explicit releases at the end of the transaction.

After applying similar changes to the consumer, the new consumer looks like this.

static void
    while (true) {


        int i0, i1;


            load_int(g_int_resource + 1, &i1);
            load_int(g_int_resource + 0, &i0);

            verify_load(i0, i1);


        printf("Loaded i0=%d, i1=%d\n", i0, i1);

Again, we were able to remove all the transactional book keeping and reduce the code to the application logic!

Optimizing for Optimizers

There’s one final point about non-local gotos that we have to take care of. Remember that setjmp() only saves the processor’s instruction counter and stack pointer. It does not save any program variable’s value.

Program variables are subject to opimizations by the compiler. They can even be removed entirely and the value can be hold in a processor register. If we compile the simpletm binary with the gcc flags ‘-O2 -Wclobbered’, we might get a warning like the one shown below.

main.c: In function ‘producer_func’
main.c:33:9: warning: variable ‘i0’ might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’ or ‘vfork’ [-Wclobbered]

This means that the compiler’s optimizer moves around access to i0 or maybe even removes the variable. Such optimizations depend on the function’s structure and code. The information about how the longjmp() happens is simply not available to the optimizer because the call to longjmp() happens in a different function. After a longjmp() the value of i0 is undefined.

We can prevent this from happening by declaring the i0 as volatile, or as we call it tm_save. The volatile keyword prevents the compiler from optimizing the variable.

#define tm_save volatile

static void
    unsigned int seed = 1;

    tm_save int i0 = 0;


From now on, we will compile transactional code with ‘-Wclobbered’ to make the compiler warn about this problem, and we will add tm_save where necessary.


In this blog post, we created a clean interface that let’s us separate our transaction manager from the application logic and keep both in separate modules.

As always, the full source code for this blog post is available on GitHub. If you’re interested in a more sophisticated C transaction manager, take a look at picotm.

If you like this series about writing a transaction manager in C, please subscribe to the RSS feed, follow on Twitter or share on social networks. In the next installment, we will probably replace struct int_resource with support for arbitrary memory locations.


  1. We will fill _tm_begin() with code when we get to error recovery in a later blog post. 

  2. As word of warning, try to avoid using setjmp() and longjmp() in your software. It’s perfect for our transactions, but in general it often does more harm than good to program design. 

Post by: Thomas Zimmermann

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