tzimmermann dot org
Aug 25, 2017 • 16 min read

The Strange strerror_r() of Dr POSIX and Mr GNU

There are several variants of the C function strerror_r() that differ in their return value and error handling. This blog post describes how to support all of them in a transactional interface, while still being compatible with either internal implementation. As such, strerror_r() serves as a case study for transactional interfaces with multiple or variable semantics.

This blog post builds on previous entries about transactional C code and system-level transactions. If you missed earlier entries in the series, you might want to go back and read the installments so far.

The Old, Single-threaded Times

The original C strerror() function returns a descriptive string for each errno constant, as shown below.

char* str = strerror(ENOMEM);
printf("%s\n", str); // prints "Out of memory"

The example retrieves and prints a description of the errno code ENOMEM, which results in an output like Out of memory or a similar text.

This works well in a single-threaded program, but fails in multi-threaded software. strerror() is allowed to use an internal buffer for constructing and storing the returned string. The buffer is shared among all threads, so if multiple threads execute the function at the same time, they overwrite each other’s error strings.

The Multi-threaded Interface

The function strerror_r() is a variant of strerror that is suitable for multi-threaded environments. As typical for thread-safe interfaces of the C standard library, strerror_r() takes an additional argument that provides thread-local memory for its internal operations. In this case it’s a string buffer and the buffer length.

Rewriting our previous example with strerror_r() we get the following code.

char buf[256]; // large-enough string buffer
char* str = strerror_r(ENOMEM, buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("%s\n", str); // prints "Out of memory"

Any temporary error string is stored in the supplied memory of buf, which is owned by the current thread.

The GNU Interface

The function strerror_r() in the example returns a pointer to the error string, which is possibly stored in the memory of buf. This is the GNU definition of strerror_r().

The GNU variant returns an internal string for known errors, or copies something like Unknown error code into the provided buffer and returns the buffer’s address. In any case no error is returned.

The POSIX Interface

The GNU interface probably existed before strerror_r() was standardized by POSIX in 2001. Unfortunately the POSIX interface works differently. Here again our example.

char buf[256]; // large-enough string buffer
int err = strerror_r(ENOMEM, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (err) {
    // handle error stored in err
printf("%s\n", buf); // prints "Out of memory"

The variant of strerror_r() as standardized by POSIX returns an integer value that signals the success or failure of the operation. If strerror_r() succeeds, it returns a value of 0. The provided buffer now contains the error string. If it returns the constant EINVAL, the provided errno constant is unknown and the buffer is still empty. If strerror_r() returns the constant ERANGE, the provided buffer space is too small to store the error string and the caller is supposed to provide a larger buffer.

The Semi-POSIX Interface in Older glibc

In the GNU C library before release 2.13, there exists yet another variant of strerror_r(). It’s similar to the POSIX variant, but returns -1 on errors and stores the error code in errno. Using that variant, our example looks like this.

char buf[256]; // large-enough string buffer
int res = strerror_r(ENOMEM, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (res < 0) {
    // handle error stored in errno
printf("%s\n", buf); // prints "Out of memory"

I tried to find out more about the origins of this variant, but was not successful so far. I guess that the use of different semantics were either an oversite, or it was part of some other standard or system that pre-dates POSIX 2001.

The Transactional Interface

For using strerror_r() from within transactions, we have to provide a transaction-safe wrapper function. This function has to protect all input parameters from concurrent access and handle returned errors by starting the transaction’s recovery code.

Let’s start with providing a transactional interface that users can call. In the GNU C library, which we’ll use for the rest of this discussion, all variants of strerror_r() exist in one way or the other. To make them work, we create two internal interfaces; one for GNU and one for POSIX.

__strerror_r_gnu_tx(int errnum, char* buf, size_t buflen);

__strerror_r_posix_tx(int errnum, char* buf, size_t buflen);

Which one is used by the caller depends on the compile-time flags of the caller’s program. The POSIX declararion is provided by defining _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) and undefining _GNU_SOURCE in the C preprocessor. This means that if we follow POSIX and disallow GNU extenions, we get the POSIX variant, otherwise we get the GNU variant.

Our transactional strerror_r() is called strerror_r_tx(). We provide it as a C pre-processor macro that switches between the variants.

#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) && !_GNU_SOURCE
#define strerror_r_tx   __strerror_r_posix_tx
#define strerror_r_tx   __strerror_r_gnu_tx

This was easy. If we follow POSIX strictly, a call to strerror_r_tx() will result in invoking __strerror_r_posix_tx(), otherwise __strerror_r_gnu_tx().

The Transactional GNU Implementation

We implement the transactional GNU and POSIX interfaces with either __strerror_r_posix_tx() or __strerror_r_gnu_tx(). These functions are part of the transaction system and we always have to provide both because we don’t know if the caller’s program is build against one or the other. Depending on the transaction system’s compile-time flags, either function’s implementation could in turn use the GNU or the POSIX implementation internally.

For simplicity, let’s strip down the example code to the minimum. Here’s the transactional GNU implementation.

__strerror_r_gnu_tx(int errnum, char* buf, size_t buflen);
    // protect buf from concurrent access here

    // save errno here

    char* str;

#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) && !_GNU_SOURCE

    // POSIX

    char tmpbuf[256]; // large-enough buffer for all error strings

    int res = strerror_r(errnum, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));

    // TODO: error handling

    if (buflen) {
        size_t tmplen = strlen(tmpbuf);
        str = memcpy(buf, tmpbuf, MIN(tmplen + 1, buflen));
        str[MIN(tmplen, buflen - 1)] = '\0';


    // GNU

    str = strerror_r(errnum, buf, buflen);


    return str;

In the example, we first protect the input buffer against concurrent access and save the state of errno. Other modules of the transactional system do this for us, so it’s left out here. If you’re curious, previous entries in this blog explain how it works.

If we implement __strerror_r_gnu_tx with the GNU variant, there’s nothing we have to do. Just wrap the function.

If we implement __strerror_r_gnu_tx with the POSIX variant, we execute it with the temporary buffer tmpbuf and copy the result into the caller-provided buffer. The point of using a temporary buffer is to avoid strerror_r() return the error code ERANGE. For this reason the memory in tmpbuf must be large enough to hold any string returned by POSIX’ strerror_r(). When we later copy the temporary buffer to the output buffer, we can cut-off any trailing bytes that do not fit into the output buffer.

There’s one TODO comment left in the example. It’s the error handling for strerror_r(). Let’s add this.

First of all, there are three cases to handle here. A return value of 0 always signals success. A negative return value signals an error with glibc before 2.13 and the error is stored in errno. A positive return value signals an error with glibc 2.13 and later, and the error is the returned value itself.

Second, we can handle the error code of EINVAL, which signals an unknown error code, by manually creating an appropriate string. The error code ERANGE, which signals that the provided buffer is too small, is avoided by choosing the size of tmpbuf accordingly. If we see any other error, we have to run the transaction’s error recovery, as required by transactional semantics.

Let’s fill in the error handling.

static void
handle_errnum(int errnum, char* buf)
    if (errnum == EINVAL) {
        memcpy(buf, "Unknown error code", sizeof("Unknown error code"));
    } else {
        // invoke transactional error recovery here

__strerror_r_gnu_tx(int errnum, char* buf, size_t buflen)
    // protect buf from concurrent access here

    // save errno here

    char* str;

#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) && !_GNU_SOURCE

    // POSIX

    char tmpbuf[256]; // large-enough buffer for all error strings

    int res = strerror_r(errnum, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));

    if (res < 0) { // glibc < 2.13
        handle_errnum(errno, tmpbuf);
    } else if (res) { // glibc >= 2.13
        handle_errnum(res, tmpbuf);

    if (buflen) {
        size_t tmplen = strlen(tmpbuf);
        str = memcpy(buf, tmpbuf, MIN(tmplen + 1, buflen));
        str[MIN(tmplen, buflen - 1)] = '\0';
    } else {
        str = buf;


    // GNU

    str = strerror_r(errnum, buf, buflen);


    return str;

The Transactional POSIX Implementation

After building the transactional GNU implementation, we need a similar implementation for the POSIX variant __strerror_r_posix_tx. This time we implement the POSIX declaration with either the GNU implementation or the POSIX implementation itself. Therefore we have to return an integer value.

There’s one interesting corner case here. While ERANGE, the buffer-too-small signal, is technically an error, it’s not actually used as such. A transaction might want to call the function with an initial buffer, check for ERANGE, and grow the buffer until the error string fits in. So ERANGE is not an error, but a status code. That’s a valid pattern and our transactional implementation should be able to support it.

__strerror_r_posix_tx(int errnum, char* buf, size_t buflen)
    // protect buf from concurrent access here

    // save errno here

#if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L) && !_GNU_SOURCE

    // POSIX

    int res = strerror_r(errnum, buf, buflen);

    if (res < 0) { // glibc < 2.13
        if (errno == ERANGE) {
            return res;
        } else {
            // invoke transactional error recovery here
    } else if (res) { // glibc >= 2.13
        if (res == ERANGE) {
            return res;
        } else {
            // invoke transactional error recovery here


    // GNU

    char tmpbuf[256];

    char* str = strerror_r(errnum, tmpbuf, tmplen);
    if (str == tmpbuf) {
        // invoke transactional error recovery for EINVAL

    if (strlen(str) + 1 > buflen) {
        if (glibc version >= 2.13) {
            return ERANGE;
        } else {
            errno = ERANGE;
            return -1;

    mempcy(buf, str, strlen(str) + 1);


    return 0;

As before, we first protect the input input buffer against concurrent access and save the value of errno.

If the first case, where we use the POSIX implementation of strerror_r(), we check the return value for possible errors. As before, we have to handle different versions of the glibc differently. If we see an error of type ERANGE, we return it to the calling transaction. That’s the case were the error is actually a status code. The other possible error, EINVAL, is actually an error and triggers transactional error recovery.

In the second case, we use the GNU implementation of strerror_r(). As mentioned before, the GNU code does not return errors at all. To detect ERANGE and EINVAL, we need other means.

The GNU implementation has an interesting property that we can use to our advantage: it only uses the provided buffer for unknown error codes. For every known error code it returns a pointer to an internal static string. In our example we call the GNU implementation with a temporary buffer. If the returned string pointer has the same address as the temporary buffer, GNU’s strerror_r() generated an Unknown error code message. In this case we invoke the transaction’s recovery code as if we had seen EINVAL. If the addresses differ, we got an internal static string, so the error code is a known one.

The other error, ERANGE, is detected by comparing the size of the provided buffer with the length of the error string. If the error string does not fit into the buffer, we return ERANGE to the calling transaction. The transaction can now resize the buffer and try again.


In blog post, we examined the details of implementing a transactional variant of strerror_r(), a C function with varying interfaces and semantics.1 It serves as a case study for code with similar properties.

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  1. To add a personal opinion here, the only useful variant of these interfaces is the one specified by GNU. When we call strerror_r() we’re probably already in the middle of handling an error. The last thing we want is to deal with additional errors coming from the error-reporting code. To me, returning a static error string or whatever fits into the provided output buffer is acceptable and sane semantics for strerror_r()

Post by: Thomas Zimmermann

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